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Tulevaisuuspäivä 5 D työpaja

Työpaja 5D luokkaisille.

Kultura: Pidot kartanossa

Sunnuntaina 8.3. #digiteatteri järjestää Pidot kartanossa. Lielahden kartanolle saapuu joukko ajattelijoita mielikuvittelemaan kulturaa, taiteen kokemiseen perustuvaa talousjärjestelmää. Olemme kutsuneet Tampereen Hiedanrantaan joukon ajattelijoita mielikuvittelemaan utopiaa, jossa taide toimii muutoksen alkuna ja kulttuurisesta pääomasta tulee materiaalista arvokkaampaa. #digiteatteri tarjoaa keskustelun lähtökohdaksi ideaa kryptovaluutasta, jonka syntyprosessin ytimessä on subjektiivinen taidekokemus. Voisiko taiteen kokeminen synnyttää valuuttaa? Millainen olisi…
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The Network ”Open Foresight Lab”: The Futures Literacy for Educational Regions

The Futures Day 2020 at the National Research Tomsk State University (TSU). The Open Foresight Lab for discussion about concept and purposes of new Laboratory for Futures Literacy of the Tomsk University. The main idea of the concept: the Futures literacy for future skills training systems and decision making processes. The main task for the…
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The Network “Open Foresight Lab”: The Futures Literacy for the project “My City 2.0”

The Futures Day 2020 at the National Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetsk Construction Collegeand, and schools (the South Kuzbass region, Russia) The Open Foresight Lab for discussions ”My City 2.0. Learning to Work with the Futures”. The initiators: Natalia Malkovets and Tatiana Zubareva with partners of the project “My City 2.0. Learning to work with the…
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The Network ”Open Foresight Lab”: The Futures Literacy for Critical Thinking

The Futures Day 2020 at the Private School ”Umka”, Novosibirsk (West Siberia), Russia The Open Foresight Lab for discussions among the students and teachers: “How the Futures Literacy develops Critical Thinking Skills”. The initiators: Svetlana Goltser and the teams of the V-Agon Games Laboratory and Private School ”Umka” (Novosibirsk, Russia) The Network “Open Foresight Lab”…
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The Network “Open Foresight Lab”: The Futures Literacy for Psychology Students of University

The Futures Day 2020 at the Kremenchug National University named after M. Ostrogradsky (KNU), Ukraine. The Open Foresight Lab for discussions among the psychology students and teachers of university: ”How the Futures Literacy could changes the roles and methods of psychological practices in the future-oriented education”. The initiators: Ruslana Bilous and the team of the…
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The Network “Open Foresight Lab”: The Futures Days for the Technological Literacy of Lyceum Students and Teachers

The Futures Day 2020 at the Kharkov Lyceum “MIR”, Ukraine. The Open Foresight Lab for discussions among the students and teachers: ”How disruptive technologies create opportunities and threats for our life in the present and in the future”. The initiators: Julia Pavichenko and the team of the Kharkiv Private Lyceum “MIR”. The Network “Open Foresight…
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The Network ”Open Foresight Lab”: The Futures Literacy in Schools of Ukraine, Kyiv

The Futures Day 2020 in Kyiv, Ukraine. The Open Foresight Lab for discussions: The Futures Literacy in Schools of Ukraine: what kind of teaching are relevant to future-oriented learning and educational practices in modern Ukraine. The initiators: Elena Merzliakova (Olena Merzliakova) Kostyantin Linov and the team of the Department of Leadership, Kyiv City Pedagogical University…
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Futures Day 2020 – School 20.35: What School We Plan to Create.

Futures Day 2020: How we could construct future-oriented educational practice in the present? Open Foresight Lab: for teams who are going to create educational practice in the present, but who realize that this education idea should be relevant to the futures + 20 as well as to the values, principles and dreams of the creators.…
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Tulevaisuuspäivä Talent Vectialla 2020

Tänä vuonna otamme Talent Vectian Tulevaisuuspäivän vietossa varaslähdön. Sisäinen työpajamme keskittyy organisaatiossamme vuonna 2020 tehtävän tulevaisuustyöskentelyn kehittämiseen. Pohdimme mm. sitä, 1) miten voimme hyödyntää kevään aikana valmistuvia tutkimus- ja selvitystöitämme paremmin asiakastyön tukena, 2) millaiselle uudelle tiedolle ja menetelmäosaamiselle meillä olisi erityisesti tarvetta, ja 3) miten paremmin jäsentää ja hyödyntää tulevaisuusajatteluun sekä ennakointiin liittyvää tiedonhallintaa…
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